Polish immigrants were unhappy with the Roman Catholic Church in the United States for several reasons, including various internal disputes and dissatisfaction with priests, the absence of a bishop of Polish birth or descent in the American hierarchy, and the 1884 ruling that gave bishops the title to all diocesan properties.
In 1896–97, members of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish in Scranton, Pa., founded an independent parish under the leadership of their former curate, the Rev. Franciszek Hodur (1866–1953). They launched a petition calling for ownership by Polish parishes of property built by their members, parish-wide elections of administrators of such property, and no appointment by bishops of non-Polish priests to such parishes without the consent of the parishioners. Excommunication followed. Father Hodur’s parish became the nucleus of a movement that took in other seceded congregations. In 1904, a synod in Scranton of independent parishes voted to form one body and chose its present name. It adopted a constitution, elected a lay-clerical Supreme Council, and unanimously elected Hodur bishop. Hodur had been in contact with the bishops of the Old Catholic church movement, who had broken with Rome after the First Vatican Council (1870–71). On Sept. 29, 1907, he was consecrated in Utrecht, Neth., by bishops of the Old Catholic church.
Full communion with the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA) was established in 1946 but suspended in 1976, after ECUSA permitted the ordination of women. In 1984 the Polish National Catholic Church began dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church. The Polish National Catholic Church eschewed the theological liberalism of most other Old Catholic churches, and, because of its stance against ordaining women to the priesthood, in 2003 it was voted out of the Union of Utrecht. In 2006, meeting in Fall River, Mass., the Polish National Catholic Church adopted with the Roman Catholic Church a “Joint Declaration on Unity” through which both bodies agreed to a limited communion arrangement.
Liturgically, the Polish National Catholic Church resembles the Roman Catholic Church. From 1900, masses were in Polish, but in the 1960s, English masses were permitted if the parishes desired them. Doctrinally, the church is based on the Scriptures, tradition, decrees of the first four ecumenical councils (Nicaea, 321; Constantinople, 381; Ephesus, 431; Chalcedon, 451), and decrees of its own synods. In 1921, the requirement for clerical celibacy was abolished. Adults make general rather than private confessions. Between synods, executive power in the church rests with the prime bishop and Supreme Council, which consists of all bishops and the seminary rector, and a lay and a clerical representative from each of the church’s five dioceses. Synods, consisting of all the clergy as well as lay delegates, are held every four years.
In the early 21st century, the church claimed over 25,000 members in more than 120 churches in the United States and Canada.
- Sources by Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Polish National Catholic Church." Encyclopedia Britannica, October 21, 2023. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Polish-National-Catholic-Church.